Join us for part III of our b|voting series to get an in-depth lesson on local government. County governments are the largest political subdivision of state government. Responsible for effectively managing water treatment, police, EMS, elections, the coroner, and even the dump, our county elected officials are the unsung heroes of government. They are largely funded by property taxes and therefore often land in the ire of the public. Listen to former Ada County Commissioners Paul Woods and Jim Tibbs to help you better understand the importance of your vote on county issues.
Join us for Mayor Lauren McLean's first State of the City address. Additionally, this is the 30th Annual Mayor's Address in partnership with the City of Boise & the Boise Metro Chamber. Mayor McLean will provide us with our first virtual address, and we look forward to learning about her vision
We invite you to join us for part II of our annual b|voting series. We will hear from Retiring Senator Cherie Buckner-Webb and Retiring Rep. Robert Anderst to discuss the critical roles state legislators play during the legislative session and beyond. They'll discuss how they represent their districts as well as the statewide considerations that come with the role. This is an incredible opportunity to learn more about the legislative process and the complex challenges faced by our citizen legislators.
Treasure valley cities have all decided not to increase their budget to protect property owners during this pandemic. Every local unit of government has decided to forgo any property tax increases this year. The residential real estate market continues to expand while the commercial real estate market is flat. Due do this complicated relationship, homeowners are likely to see a property tax increase this year. We will be joined by three city council member from 3 different cities to discuss how each town is addressing property tax in their communities.
The Boise Young Professionals B|Voting series is partnering with the Boise Metro Chamber and the Idaho Statesman this year. Join us for Part I - a discussion about the important roles congressional offices serve in our government and the challenges faced by our elected officials. Former Congressman LaRocco and Labrador will provide an inside view of the importance of our federal delegation.
When COVID-19 first emerged earlier this year, healthcare providers across the country ramped up their telehealth offerings to help slow the spread. We’ll be joined by experts from medical technology companies, hospital leaders, and medical professionals to talk about trends they are seeing in this space.
February 2024